Improve team communication.
Quick, simple, and built by an engineer.
The beginning:
The reason our founder started Perfect Teams, and built our profiling tool, was to cut through the confusion surrounding psychometric testing. We took an engineering approach to Carl Jung’s philosophy and built an instrument for the 21st century, a profiling system for boards, management teams, and employees with instant results …
The first client we engaged with told us that they valued the speed and simplicity of our application. We didn’t baffle them with psychology.
All the clients we work with did their own profile first. They then did their team and used the tool to develop team engagement. Clients will then contract with us for executive coaching, leadership training, communications workshops, and M&A consultancy.
The opportunity:
We currently have five licensees in London, Surrey, The South, The South-West, and South Africa.
Opportunities are available for more with the right attitude and skills.
For those prepared to make the investment we’re always interested in opening new territories and operating in new languages.
Procurement Position:
People that use us want to use us. They buy first. Our relationship develops over time with deeper and wider usage.
We do not pitch for work and never will. A request for proposal (RFP) means the buying process is too far down the line and that we have not been used already. If we had been, there would not be a ‘RFP’ in the first place.
The Personal Piece:

Neil is a graduate in Marine Engineering and has sailed around the world as a ship’s engineer. Somewhere on that voyage he discovered a passion for personal development. Landing in California he worked for Dale Carnegie before returning to the UK to build a business for them in South London. Being entrepreneurial he quickly set up his own coaching and consultancy business. He has had the privilege of working with over 7000 people in 150 businesses in the US, Europe, and the Middle East.
Neil loves creating innovative approaches to helping businesses develop individuals, teams and divisions resulting in the formation of Perfect Teams in 2016. Using a unique algorithm ‘Perfect-Teams’ has become the new standard for helping businesses to understand the mix of people they have in their teams.
Perfect Teams have, in turn, licensed their exclusive Intellectual Property [IP] to help consultants and clients make sense of the people equation in an increasingly chaotic, hybrid, and fragmented workplace.
People often describe Neil as – Enigmatic, Quiet and Driven.
When not consulting or coaching you will find Neil running or trekking the Surrey Hills or similar vistas around the world.
He’d love to give a TED talk on ‘Perfect-Teams’.
Neil has over 30 years’ experience in designing and delivering high impact training & executive coaching programmes. He coaches the coaches.
He has worked within financial services in London, New York, Frankfurt, Bahrain & Copenhagen, from main board level to regional CEO, Divisional MDs, Desk Heads, Global CIO and Dep. CIO. He has worked in Credit, FX, Equity Derivatives, Structured Equities, IT, Risk, and HR with individuals (1:1), workshops, off-sites, and specialist projects.
Neil essentially creates shifts for people and therefore their businesses. His research has discovered the five key things that all individuals and businesses need to focus on to make the next step-change.
Who he works with:
His market is the key principals within a business that can effect change. He personally only takes on twelve clients per year.
His style:
His style is truthful. People have said, “Neil has something magical, something special. I can’t explain it to you … you must experience it’. People often say they love working with him and that the process takes them to the next level.
Books etc:
Neil is the author of the International best seller The A-Z of Positive Thinking, The Freedom Tree, The Art of Understanding People, and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts.
Our assessment is designed to tell you, quickly, about the characters and personalities that exist within your team, so that you can begin to uncover hidden talents and plug any gaps that exist.

Map Your Results
Our team maps show you how each of your team members compare and indicates the characters you’re missing. The maps will help you to clearly see who gets on and who clashes, and how your team compares to world-class teams.

Facilitated Workshops
After mapping your team, we run a workshop to help you get clear on how far you can take your team. It motivates the team to get behind you and your vision.

Perfect Teams Introduction
Partnering with you
Perfect Teams is designed to support you, as and when you need it. Here are three potential scenarios, showing why you would use us.

Let us solve your problems
“Knowing there is a challenge in your team’s dynamic, but not knowing exactly what it is or how to solve it, is common even in the world’s largest companies.”
Perfect Teams works in partnership with organisations, not only to identify the issues that exist, but also, to determine the solutions.

Our Clients