Executive Coaching
- 5% of clients wish to invest in their top performers & future stars:
- This specialised offer is only available to 12 selected candidates per year
- The coach that shifts people and their businesses

“I would personally pay £50,000 to know what Neil knows.”
Gary S. – ex Dep. CEO – ICAP
Neil essentially creates shifts for people and their businesses.
His research has discovered the five key factors that all individuals and businesses need to focus on to get the next step change.

What is coaching?
In coaching you have packaged and bespoke solutions. Packaged solutions are when you can commoditize an offering that is consistently required
and gets volume work with broadly similar needs. You use packages when you have clients that require the quick consistent turnaround. (Training courses typically fit this mold).
The field of training is often seen as the educational part of the equation. Packaged training is therefore delivering a consistent message to a broad group of people often in a classroom setting.
When you must tailor a solution to a specific client need the bespoke solution requires a more creative approach. Coaching can be seen to be tailored bespoke training and is always carried out 1:1 with the individual being coached.
The process starts with a thorough fact find (a brief) and then the coach works creatively with the individual to address the specific needs discovered. With thorough education and motivation, the candidate then gets to apply the principles learnt. Over time the new principles become so integrated that they can teach others themselves.
Coaching then, is not prescriptive, it is a dynamic solution applied over time. This is consistent with educational research that validates the increased effectiveness of staged learning. People get more benefit from a series of meetings, or coaching sessions, spaced over time, with clear objectives being set and individuals being held accountable for their results.
Why is staged learning so effective?
When we learn something, we retain a certain percentage depending upon the method of dissemination, i.e. how the information is communicated to us.

Statistically, we retain:
- 10% of what we hear
- 30% of what we hear & see
- 50% of what we hear & see & write down
- 80% of what we hear & see & write down & review
- 100% of what we hear & see & write down & review & put into practice
However, if we do not revisit the skill set developed, on a recurring basis (a minimum of seven times is recommended) the retention rate will start to fall off quite rapidly.
1:1 coaching is designed to maximize the level of retention. This way the concepts do not get put on the shelf to gather dust. The concepts become tools that get consistently applied increasing effectiveness and productivity.
How do I work?
I predominantly work 1:1 with people.
It starts with a consultancy session. Off the back of this I get invited into the business as a consultant to perform a thorough fact find on what the business and the individuals specifically need.
I get the brief and then propose a tailored solution, which includes the estimated time and investment required. Providing that your budget and my expectations meet we will work together. I only take on twelve clients per year.

The process essentially finds out where an individual or business sits in relation to the three spaces.
- Individual coaching is about shifting one individual through these spaces
- Business coaching is about taking the management team through them
As mentioned before there are five key factors that all individuals and businesses need to focus on to make the step change from one space to the next.
Coaching educates the business and the individual on how to implement the required solution with these key factors in mind.

With Neil’s help I was able to put together a compelling presentation for the Minister that was deciding whether to let us become a self-funding foundation or shut us down. Our independence and very existence was at threat. Thankfully my presentation did the job and today we go from strength to strength. – Aubrey S.