- Our founder is regularly invited to be an industry conference speaker.
- He would love to give a TED talk on Perfect Teams.
Some recent events:

The Odeon Leicester Square London.
Annual St. James & St. William conference
Chateau de Bossey – Geneva – Switzerland
The European Championships Management conference
Central Hall Westminster
The Annual Berkeley Homes conference
Learn how to speak in public
I learnt how to do this because it all went horribly wrong one day …
“OMG” It wasn’t who I’d expected. There were many people I didn’t know. My palms got sweaty. My knees actually trembled along with my voice. I just wanted the ground to open up and swallow me. It was a disaster. We didn’t get the contract and it cost me twenty-five thousand in lost commission. My boss told me on the way back I needed to learn how to speak in public.
I found a course. Told him I wanted to do it and he told me to pay for it! I loved it and graduated top of the class. Three months afterwards I took a phone call, “Neil. Senator Brown can’t make our next meeting we want you to do the keynote”. I gulped but said yes. I can still see the hotel on the Pacific Coast Highway where I was presenting to 350 people. I was introduced and within a minute I had the audience in the palm of my hand. It was tremendous. My boss came running up to me and said, “Why didn’t you do that at Huntington Hospital?” I can remember replying, “Jack, it wasn’t that I couldn’t I’d just never been shown how to!” What I said was really a message for myself. I’d just never been shown how to. That was the seed that started my journey into the world of personal development. A world in which I’ve presented to thousands of people. A world of showing other people how they can too …
“People credit the person at the front of the room with far more intelligence than they usually have” – Neil Tuson
Let us show you how to do it too:
With Neil’s help I was able to put together a compelling presentation for the Minister that was deciding whether to let us become a self-funding foundation or shut us down. Our independence and very existence was at threat. Thankfully my presentation did the job and today we go from strength to strength. – Aubrey S.
The time spent on presentation skills was undoubtedly the most demanding part of my coaching. Coming to grips with watching myself on video and adopting a pre-thought through structure did not come naturally to me at all. However, I fully appreciate the benefits of that structure, now it has become a familiar practice. – Lynda K.
Without overstating the issue, the personal coaching on presentations and public speaking has been a complete revelation. Personally, I would not have believed what we have achieved. In addition, I have been able to cope with the conflicting demands of my job with the techniques Neil has taught me on Stress Management. Having completed the ten sessions my overall feeling is one of self-awareness, self-confidence and being less inhibited. – Paul S.
Why use a keynote speaker?
Guest speakers bring a highlight to an event. They bring insights and experience from the outside world. The purpose of all conference keynote speakers is to excite, inform and inspire delegates. Well-chosen motivational speakers are valuable in lifting morale and preparing delegates for the challenges ahead.
The right presenter will energise the room, ensure that key messages come across and help the event to shine
What is a keynote speaker?
A keynote speaker is an event orator who adds structure, expertise and supports the central themes of a conference. They are industry experts and represent their profession or field of study. Keynote speakers unpack an event’s theme through their unique understanding, to leave audiences with a new perspective.
How do keynote speakers differ from other speakers?
Unlike after dinner or guest speakers, keynote speakers attend events to educate first and entertain second. These experts are defined by their cutting-edge knowledge, which positions them above other industry figures and drives engagement at events. A keynote speaker’s value stems from their insight.
How long does a keynote speech last?
Keynote speeches comprehensively explore a specific belief or theme. Such in-depth detail requires adequate time, so most keynote speeches are between 45 and 60 minutes. Anything under 20 minutes is considered too short, as it limits the speaker’s talking points and could risk missing important details.
What makes a good keynote speaker?
Keynote speakers are experts in their profession or field of study, and often generate excitement from audiences when booked for events. These speakers are industry pioneers, allowing them to talk extensively on a specific topic with confidence and eloquence.
What does a keynote speaker talk about?
A keynote speaker can talk on whichever topic they are considered an expert. For us this is Team Engagement, Effective Communication, Creating a Shift, Perfect Teams, Leadership, Vision, Motivation, Time Management, and Positive Thinking. A keynote speaker is an authority on the topic your event requires.
How much does a keynote speaker cost?
There is no single price when booking a keynote speaker. However, as they are experts in their field, these speakers can cost from hundreds to thousands of pounds. A speaker’s price depends on their experience, preferences and the travel and accommodation required to attend your event.
How do I book a keynote speaker?
To book a keynote speaker, get in touch and let’s talk it all through. or call 07779 254138